Cloning and Expression
Phasing (Things to think about when crystalizing a protein)
This list compiled by Heidi Schubert.
Biological Function
Searching Literature
GO, Gene Ontology Database with medline links
Direct to Journal: Science | Nature | Cell | Mol Cell | NSB | JBC | ACS-all (Biochem) | Acta Cryst D | JMB
Local UofU Experts - Find A Utah Researcher
Genomic/Proteomic Large scale Studies
BioGRID (searchable linked databases of interactions and information)
Jena Center for Bioinformatics Protein-Protein Interaction Website
STRING - Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins
Human Protein Reference database (similar, human only)
Structural Genomic Portal (including Target Database at the rcsb)
IntAct : EBI's interaction database from the literature.
Omics Data Repositories
Genomics GOLD
Computational Cancer genomics Several databases and tools
Transcriptomics GEO (microarray and SAGE
Proteomics 2D-PAGE
Lipidomics LIPID MAPS
Localizomics Yeast GFP-fusions
DNA-Protein (PDI): BOND (Biomolecular Object Network Databank), ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA elements)
Protein-Protein (PPI): MIPS (Mammalian Protein-Protein) , DIP (Database of Interacting Proteins)
Phenomics: RNAi, ASAP E.coli
MATTFash and SEEKQUENCHER multisequence structure-based alignments. (2014 best option) First use SEEKQUENCHER to pull sequences and structures from databanks - then it automatically sends to MATTFash for alignment.
EMMBOSS a suite of bioinformatics tools.
T-Coffee, T-Expresso: 3D versions combine structural and sequence alignments
ESPript - color alignments with secondary structure (easy to advanced)
SMART (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool)
HMMER (also installed locally) (A tutorial)
Domain Prediction
CDART(NCBI box domains with link to pfam domain number and alignments)
CDD(Conserved Domain Database @ NCBI, standard output of blast with links to domains identified)
DomPred Domain prediction.
DomPro Domain Prediction
DISOPRED - Disorder Prediction Server
ANCHOR - A disorder and protein:protein interaction predictor
DisMeta (A meta server for disorder prediction)
PONDR - Predictor of Natural Disorder Regions
Secondary Structure Prediction and Modeling
Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) Knowledge Database (model portal)
Ribosome A helix generator
Robetta (Full chain predictions)
PEPstr - peptide structure prediction (up to 75 residues)
PSIPRED - simple predcition - output can be funneled into ESPript (also disopred)
3Djigsaw - like SwissModel
PHOBIUS to predict transmembrane and signal peptide
SSPRO - Secondary Structure Prediction Program
PHYRE2 - A new Secondary Structure Modeling program (similar to SwissModel?)
Cloning and Expression
Serial Cloner (for Macs and PCs)
Vector Maps
Invitrogen Gateway Vectors
pDONR221P1P4, pDONR221P1P4, pDONR221P1P5r, pDONR221P3P2, pDONR221P3P2, pDONR221P4rP3r, pDONR221P4rP3r, pDONR221P5P2, pDONR221P5P2, pDONR221P5P4, pDONR221P5P4
pENTRL1pLaclacZaL4, pENTRL1pLaclacZaR5, pENTRL3pLactetL2, pENTRL5LacIL4, pENTRL5pLacSpecL2, pENTRR4pLacSpecR3
pET151-D/TOPO and MCS
Ligation Independent Cloning (LIC) vectors from Mark Connelly: pMCSG10, pMCSG7, pMCSG17-20, pMCSG19, pMCSG21
Novagen's pET vector manual (expression, toxcicity tips, etc)
pET151-TOPO Cloning site map and full vector map
DUET Vectors: pACYDuet-1, pCDFDuet-1, pCOLADuet-1, pRSFDuet-1, pETDuet-1
pET Vectors: pET16b, pET26b-TEV, pET14b, pET9a, pET3a, pET19b, pET11a, pET21a, pET22, pET28, pET32, pET42
Modified pET Vectors: pET11a-His(7)-PP, pET16b-TEV
pGEX Vectors: pGEXvectors, pGST-parallel, pGST-PP and pGST-TEV vectors from Steve (additional GST-PP and TEV vector sequences)
Fusion vectors: AVI-tag, pTYB2 (intein)
Yeast Vectors: pYES2.0, pTF162, Stuff from Tim's lab about this series of vectors
BaculoVirus Vectors: pAcGP67-A for expression with a signal sequence for secretion
Kathy's pKA8 Vectors (Mechler et al. (2000) A modular Set of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Expression Vectors Analytical Biochemistry 277, 109-120): pKA8 complete DNA sequence, pKA8 Cloning Map, Original Cloning Paper description
IP6-activated fusion proteins: maps, paper, protocol, Vector sequence
Primer design
Primer X Online Quickchange Primer Design
JCat Codon Adaption tool (provide protein seq and get optimized codon for Ecoli)
Excel file for Invitrogen oligo order
CCD Crystallization Construct Design tool with bioinformatics analysis
Protein Expression
Autoinduction Miminal Media mix.
SeMet labeling in mammalian cell culture Medline: 17001101
Protein Purification
Protein Analysis
General Core Facility Link for Mass Spec, CryoEM, sequencing etc.
U of Arizona Mass Spec Services See Heidi for login info
Robetta Server (domain prediction)
Screens and Formulations
Crystallizability Predictor - XtalPred
Hauptman and Woodward's High-Throughput Crystallization Lab.
Hampton Research
Jena Scientific Jena Hts I
Qiagen: PACT screen
Emerald Biosystems
Emerald Cryo I & II Condition 5 of Cryo I changed to 0.1M MgCl2 not 0.2m 10-15-10
Crystal Growth Videos
Heavy Atom Database - not as helpful as it sounds
Anomalous Scattering (Eth an Meritts Anomalous Scatter Site w/ Periodic table and plotting)
Another heavy atom database - based on peptide soaks with all heavy atoms and highlighted per pH.
Training Videos
Sterile technique: Preparing yourself and your workplace, dealing with flame, bottle and plate lids. (Addgene.)
Sterile technique: Bunson burner use, loops, spreading, different kinds of bacterial culture transfer, liquid/liquid, plate/liquid, etc. BioRad and Addgene
Creation of bacterial glycerol stocks. (Addgene) (note our lab would use liquid N2 instead of dry ice)
AKTA: How to transfer a SEC column. Drop-to-drop. (Cytiva). Using the spring-loaded syringe. (Cytiva)
How to calibrate the Denver Instruments pH meter (Abnova)
How to design PCR primers (Addgene)
How to calculate molarity (TheChemistrySolution)
Structural Databases
PDB Alert - keeps your sequence on file and alerts you if a homologous structure is deposited
PDBeThe European PDB
Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) - small molecule
Database of Molecular Movements
Morph Server - generate your own morph
Comparison Tools
Structural Comparisons
Dali - Structural Comparison Server
Theseus - Maximum Liklihood alignment
VAST - (NCBI) Vector Alignment of Search Tool - protein structural neighbors
MSDServer - Macromolecular Structure Database (Can provide %similarity cutoff to see entire structural family)
SSM - Secondary Structure Matching - multiple PDB comparison and sequence alignments.
STAMP - Structural Alignment of Multiple Proteins (several choices)
MATRAS - MArkovian TRAnsition of Structure evolution - does multiple alignments
POSA - Partial Order Structural Alignments
STRAP - Multiple Structural/Sequence Alignment
Indonesia - USF's biological sequence analysis (not installed) - multiple sequence alignments
MUSTANG - A MUtiple STructure AligNment alGorithm
SCOP - Structural Classification of Proteins
PISA-Protein Interfaces, Surfaces and Assemblies (using PDB or new coordinates)
ProtBud - PC program to evaluate multimer contacts and compare to related structures.
PDBredo - a site where they re-refined everyone's structures
PDBreport evaluations of PDB structures
SiteEngine - wesite to define a active site and then search the PDB for similar sites.
High Throughput Tools and Ideas
Qfill2 - litte robot to put specificied amount of single liquid into each well.
BGM technologies - microplate reader, optical density for bacterial growth, DNA detection, flurescence.
Turner Biosystems - Picogreen dye and Modulus™ Fluorometer
Crystallographic Software
SBGrid - documentation on supported software.
CCP4 Program Documentation -
PHENIX | Newsletter |Python-based Hierarchical Environment for INtegrated Xtallography, automated structure solutions
Uppsala Software Factory (USF)
6d_molman, 6d_mapman, voidoo, oops, and many more that I don't even know about
CCMS - Computational Center for MacroMolecular Structure (SDSC)
Indexing Raw Data
Strategy don't forget to put "FORMAT RAXVERTICAL" in your com file
MOSFLM (starts with the command ipmosflm)
XrayView - User friendly representations of the reciprocal lattice. as part of SBGRid cd to /home/local/LINUX/XrayView and run XRayView to access program and tutorials.
Pointless - help on determining data and space group evaluation
Phasing (Heavy atom)
SOLVE - standard first choice.
HKL2MAP - Shelx-based automatic phasing (to use source both xtalview and shelx)
SnB Shake-n-Bake - atomic resolution - not installed
SHARP- atomic resolution, see sysadmin for password
ACORN (ccp4) - atomic resolution
CRANK (ccp4)
RANTAN (ccp4)
AUTO-RICKSHAW - available only to EMBL beamline users
Model Building
O | Molecular Model Building Software - might be better for new builds |
COOT (ccp4) | Might be better for refinement/rebuilding/validation particularly at high resolution |
Coot Wiki with scripts
XtalView (multi-task software, pattersons to refinement)
Swiss-PDB Viewer (Frank has good experience with this)
Ligand parameter files
Pulchra- builds residues from CA tracce, let me know if you want it installed.
Structural Validation
COOT has lots of great validation.
PROSA - Protein Structure Analysis
STAN - the STructure ANalysis server from the USF
Ramachandran Server at Cambridge
Second Asn/Gln Server NQ flipper
ValLigURL - ligand validator from Uppsala
Zanuda - Structure validation of pseudo-translation structures to potentially correct space group.
Structural Evaluation
LIGPLOT/LigPlus/DIMPLOT - Interactions around a ligand or interface
NACCESS - Surface area calculaitons, per residue, or atom
Protein Interaction Server - to obtain surface calculations
Monster - A tool for inferring non-covalant interactions in proteins
VOIDOO - look for interior cavities, volumes of particular cavities (like active sites)
SURFACE and AREAIMOL (ccp4) -surface programs
GRASP - Runs on Sundance (unix) only
CastP - Volume and surface calculation of pocket or cavity
VADAR (Volume, Area, Dihedral Angle Reporter)
3Vweb GUI volume calculator
NCONT - (ccp4) analyses contacts between subsets of atoms in a PDB file
PARVATI anisotropic displacement parameters statistics
FADE and PADRE - Shape and Complementarity Server
STING Millenium - web-based suite of programs for visualizing molecular structure and comprehensive structure analysis:
CASTp - webserver for identification and measurements of surface accessible pockets as well as interior inaccessible cavities
Final Graphics
Pymol - what a great program
PDB2PQR - format conversion and adendum for electrostatic calculations with APBS.
CCP4MG - molecular graphics from CCP4
Molscript - molauto options and opengl available on some machines.
TOPS - An Automated Topology Server, represented with triangles and circles
ConSurf (Conservation automatically mapped to B-factor column, needs only PDB, does alignment for you)
GRASP - Runs on Sundance (unix) only
Chimera Chimera
Single AA and transmembrane bubble diagram TOPO2 Transmembrane Display, use with PHOBIUS to predict transmembrane and signal peptide
Other Crystallographic Info
BioSync - Structural Biology Synchrotron Users Organization (statistics and information)
Mail-In Data Collection:Attn of (Annie or Howard)
National Synchrotron Light Source
Brookhaven National Laboratory
75 Brookhaven Rd.
Upton, NY 11973 USA
Phone: (631) 344-7444Later call University Shipping office 1-6721 to get FedEx Tracking number, you'll need the internal reference number.APS - Chicago
ALS - Berkely
SSRL Homepage for users - Stanford: Our Proposal number as of 1/8/09 is 1C03, not sure if it's a zero or "O"
Shipping form for SSRL dewars, Local Biochemistry FedEx Form to give to office
RADDOSE - program to evaluate radiation decay
Direct link to Ethan Merrit's Anamalous Scattering Website
Kevin Cowtan's Website (cats and ducks)
A graphic level discussion of various structures (DNA, hemaglobin, MHC, antibodies, lipids, flagella etc)
Great set of movies detailing aspects of datacollection and refinement (James Holton)
IUCr Teaching
Newsletter #1 (8.5Mb)
Structural Organizations
Structural Databases
PDB Alert - keeps your sequence on file and alerts you if a homologous structure is deposited
PDBeThe European PDB
Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) - small molecule
Database of Molecular Movements
Morph Server - generate your own morph
Comparison Tools
Structural Comparisons
Dali - Structural Comparison Server
Theseus - Maximum Liklihood alignment
VAST - (NCBI) Vector Alignment of Search Tool - protein structural neighbors
MSDServer - Macromolecular Structure Database (Can provide %similarity cutoff to see entire structural family)
SSM - Secondary Structure Matching - multiple PDB comparison and sequence alignments.
STAMP - Structural Alignment of Multiple Proteins (several choices)
MATRAS - MArkovian TRAnsition of Structure evolution - does multiple alignments
POSA - Partial Order Structural Alignments
STRAP - Multiple Structural/Sequence Alignment
Indonesia - USF's biological sequence analysis (not installed) - multiple sequence alignments
MUSTANG - A MUtiple STructure AligNment alGorithm
SCOP - Structural Classification of Proteins
PISA-Protein Interfaces, Surfaces and Assemblies (using PDB or new coordinates)
ProtBud - PC program to evaluate multimer contacts and compare to related structures.
PDBredo - a site where they re-refined everyone's structures
PDBreport evaluations of PDB structures
SiteEngine - wesite to define a active site and then search the PDB for similar sites.
High Throughput Tools and Ideas
Qfill2 - litte robot to put specificied amount of single liquid into each well.
BGM technologies - microplate reader, optical density for bacterial growth, DNA detection, flurescence.
Turner Biosystems - Picogreen dye and Modulus™ Fluorometer